Briones and a Close Call

July 13, 2014
Martinez, CA
Hikers: Cathy, Laura
Distance: 4.67 miles
Eleveation gain: 1,227 ft.

 Laura trying to get a picture of a rattlesnake.

See him hiding out?

 (Holding my bandana up to block the glare from the sun)

Laura walked by first. Not sure I have ever heard such a loud rattle. She sprinted, to say the least. Our dilemma - we are separated by a snake. What to do? Walk by slowly? Run? WWND?

Me, the chicken shit, got up  the courage to sprint past it! And my sister, the one who is not afraid of anything - ever. Not even a pack of coyotes, said, uh - no. Not a good idea. Just walk through the grass (snake country!) on the other side.  Well, our friend did not like that either - it shook that tail like crazy.

Laura made me go back the way we came, and she went on, and we met at the pass.

So sad to see our ponds bone dry. (Notice Mickey Mouse at the top!)


  1. Looks like a good hike with a little rattle!

  2. Glad to see your posts resurface! The saying 'snake in the grass' proven true for you too.

  3. Have you been to Twin Ponds out at Shell Ridge? One of the ponds has a little water in it but looks like your picture for the most part :(

  4. I just love the picture of you walking away back up the hill. You look so dejected. OK, I'm projecting because I knew you were! LOL. Sis
