Coyote Hills Regional Park | Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge

March 25, 2018
Fremont, Ca
Hikers: Cathy, Laura, Dawn
Distance: 8.5 miles
Elevation Gain: 573 ft.

Sad to see the beginnings of a housing development so close to the preserve. 

 Sign reads "to refuge" - both trails meet up at the other end.

 Leaving Coyote Hills and entering Don Edwards.

Crossing over highway 84.

 Cute plant spikes.

Newark Slough Learning Center

Pump House

 Old hunting cabin.

Floating foam balls . . .

The foam ball regatta.


Coyote Hills Regional Park - Quail Triail, Bayview Trail, Apay Way

Don Edwards Wildlife Preserve - Quarry Trail, Marshlands Road, Tidelands Trail (past picnic shelter and hunting cabin), Newark Slough Trail - retrace steps back to beginning.