Marin County
Hikers: Cathy, Laura, Noreen
Distance: 14.5 miles
Elevation Gain: 2,612 ft.
Quail. Lots of quail in this area!
A hiker with heart!
Mold covered scat. Saw several of these along the way.
Skirting the sole sucking mud.
No evidence of the California drought here in Marin County.
Can you say, awesome?!!
Pretty in Pink
(OK, not so pretty...)
Farallon Islands in the distance.
Unfortunately we did not get to go this way - the part of the Coast Trail that actually goes along the coast. We checked our map at this point and realized we would be doing over 14 miles as it was. We were able to shave off about a mile from our already lengthy hike by by-passing this trail.
Tip: Add up the mile markers showing on the park map before starting out.
Notice the pollen sac on the bee's hind leg.
Such a magical feeling..
Bass Lake - an old-fashioned swimming hole.
Complete with rope swing!
Five Brooks, Stewart, Greenpicker, Stewart, Old Out Road, Coast, Lake Ranch, Bolema, Olema Valley